Wednesday, July 18, 2012

10 months

Britt is now 10 months old he is such a happy boy and so much fun to have around. Britt loves to climb onto everything and anything he can get on he will. He also got his first hair cut recently he did really good he had a sucker and was happy. Britt also would like to feed himself rather than have me feed him. Sometimes I just have to let him do it but it turns out with a bath after. Britt we love you so much and are getting so big so fast we are so glad you’re in our family.

Befor  hair cut

After hair cut


  1. What a little monkey climbing up on the chair like that! Love his before hair cut pic and his new hair cut sure is handsome.

  2. His hair is getting long, he needs to lend some to Brynlee, lol!

  3. he has a head full of hair it's crazy. Prob becasue later in life he will lose it and then brynlee will have a head full of hair.
