About 2 weeks ago some guys from Daniel's work had tickets to Motley
Crue in Billings so all the guys
decide to go. This was Daniel's
first concert he has ever been too and he had so much fun. He bought tickets for the nose bleed section and some how made it to the third row and was in all the action. They left
Gillette right after work at 4p.m. and left the concert around 1a.m. got back into
Gillette at 3a.m. and they all woke up for work the next day at 6a.m. crazy guys but it sounded like they all had fun and it was worth it. I don't think this will be Daniel's last concert he couldn't stop talking about it.
That's so funny I read the title of your blogg and clicked on it thinking that you named your new baby Motle Crüe.