There was a lot of things going on this Wednesday Britt is now 16 weeks old and is so much fun to be around. His favorite things to do is help mommy make juice or really do anything, He is a really good eater, He also loves to talk and jabbers about anything all the time. He can say A O when something falls down and hot, Mama, Dada, and NO. Britt always pulls his famous face when we tell him to say cheese it's so cute. He also get into everything and throughs a good fit every now and then, but I am glad for the most part he is still my happy boy. I am 16weeks along with baby number 2 and we are excited to find out the gender next month. It was also my 24th birthday and we did alot of celebrating. Next year I will have one more helper blow out my candles I can't wait.
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