Britt is getting so big he is 14 months now. He is getting more independent and likes to get into everything. If we are in the kitchen Britt loves to get into this cupboard I don't know what it is about this one but he loves it. He raw's at everything and thinks it's funny when people do it back. He still clicks his tongue this is how we communicate. When Britt wants something he points and grunts. We have alot of stairs in our house and he is really good at going up and down. If anyone is going outside Britt wants to go too and would spend all day out there if I would let him. He loves mickey mouse club house and likes the hot dog song that he dances to. Britt has also learned how to pull out the draw (boiler) from the oven and stand on it to pull on the oven door to get it open or turns the nobs on the stove. Needless to say he can never be in the kitchen alone and I am going to have my hands full with this busy guy. He is so stinking smart. Britt we love you so much and are so glad your in our family. You have such a cute personality and I can't wait to see you grow but don't grow up to fast.


one of Britt and Daddy's pass times after work and before dinner
famous face
eating a whole tomato at Grandma Asay's
On the stove (stinker)
Oh my heck. I can't believe he climbs on the stove. So funny. Ian climbs on everything too. Little monkeys
ReplyDeleteIt was too funny to watch him eat that tomato! What a cutie!!